Eleventh Task

Should Chimpanzees Be Considered ‘Persons’?

Whose viewpoint is expressed?

How we can relate the word personhood with other non-human species, since the word personhood includes conscious experience, emotionality, a sense of self and links of care and interdependence. In this case that of the chimpanzees Kiko and Tommy, are two non-human that meet conscious experience, emotionality, a sense of self and links of care and interdependence, which makes them a kind belonging to the personhood.

What does the author want us to think?

The author wants us to think if the chimpanzees are non-human beings, but if they belong to the personhood, they can access the rights that human beings have. In this case, the laws of the United States, which were created for "person" and "things", but as non-humans (sensitive and reasonable beings) meet the expectations of the personality, can access these rights as the right to freedom, right to property, right to free expression or association, or the right to representation or political participation.

What viewpoint is not expressed? Whose voice do we not hear?

It seems to me that this opinion column needs the participation of some animalists and lawyers about what they think of the rights for person and if nonhumans can be applied the laws for "person" and not for "thing". And also the opposition of some current philosophers who think about the word personality in relation to these chimpanzees.

What is an alternative perspective of the text?

The alternative perspective of the text is not to assert the rights of these chimpanzees but to fight for the freedom of these two animals. Well, they are reasonable beings who deserve to live in their habitat and not locked in a cage.

Can you think of other questions this text responds to?

Can laws defend animals?
Can chimpanzees have the same rights as humans?
Can the word personhood fit into some animals?
Are animals really considered "thing" according to the laws of the United States?
Can animals have their own rights? (taking into account that a human being can demand their rights)
